While in the pursuit of happiness,
one should stop -
and just be happy . . .

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our October 2009 Memories

(Written by Joe)

On the 2nd we participated in the stake temple day. We were in a sealing session with several people from McMinnville. Later that day we stopped at Krispy Kreme and loaded up on doughnuts and made a few other stops so Debby could do a little Halloween shopping. The Franklin/Murfreesboro traffic made us thankful we could return to our slower moving world in McMinnville.

Actually, after returning to McMinnville we loaded up to go to Rocky River for the weekend. We left here about bedtime but knew we could have a lazy morning on the following day. It was general conference weekend and we planned to have a lazy couple of days watching it on the BYU channel. It turned out just that way. I wish general conference were more often than twice a year!

Between the sessions on Saturday, we drove to the top of Rocky River Mountain to the farm of Jimmy Yates. Jimmy has purchased about 700 acres there (the old Worth Curtis place) and turned it into a museum to the good old days. He has built an old western/hillbilly town back in there complete with a livery stable, a saloon, a general store, a fire hall, a barber shop, a doctor’s office, a grist mill, a blacksmith shop (and probably other things I missed). Through his contacts with others he had arranged for a stage coach (his) to be hauling kids and parents around. There were also other wagons pulled by mules and horses doing their thing. There were lots of antique cars, trucks, and other conveyances. There was an ox team there at work. The community furnished a big covered dinner for anyone who wished to dig in. There were local blue grass music pickers around and there was also a herding dog working some sheep. Anyway, we were amazed at what lies just out of sight not far off Rocky River Road.

For the Sunday sessions, Mrs. Miller came down to visit and watch conference with us. It was a nice day. We ate, visited, listened to the talks, and enjoyed the day.

During the month we worked at Rocky River on several days. We have been continuing our quest to clear the river bank from the bridge to the house. We aren’t finished yet but we don’t lack much. We have burned a lot of brush and dead trees. We have also picked up a lot of garbage. It amazes me that people can be so devoid of any concern for keeping a pretty place clean and looking good. I reckon the world is just made up of those who throw down and those who pick up. It aggravates those of us who pick up but I would rather pick up after the trashers than to be one.

Some of the area around the bridge was so overgrown that we wanted to wait until some cold weather killed some weeds and sent the snakes into their holes. But after the cold nights came, we took advantage of Brett’s fall break from school and put him to work with us on the riverbank. I know he hated to leave and go back to Chattanooga and not be able to help complete the project.

There is an apple orchard near the Darlene Caten home. Every year I visit and buy a few apples. This year they didn’t have as many but I did manage to get ½ bushel of Granny Smiths from them. They weren’t exactly Kroger quality but the ½ bushel was just $7.00. I have decided that my favorite all time apple is a new variety called Pink Lady. The Joneses out near the Crosby’s have this variety but when I went to get a few they had already sold out. They are usually a bit pricey anyway.

We had a good time with Katie and Chas one night at Rocky River. Eric and Kristi needed to make an overnight trip to Asheville, NC to deliver a puppy. We met the bus when the kids got home from school and had them with us until next morning when I took them to meet the bus for school. We went for a long walk from Little House up to Norton Springs and back. The kids were excited about every big leaf and the rock formations along the side of the road. I entertained them with bear sighting stories (there has been one in the neighborhood, another one in their neighborhood) but they were fearless. They are fast runners and constant talkers.

After our walk, we all loaded up to go for cheeseburgers at Rock Island Market. Since cheeseburgers are Nonna’s favorite food, she is quick to jump on a reason to take “the kids” to get one. We ate well and it was almost bedtime when we returned to Little House. But before bed, we sang Happy Birthday to Katie (belatedly) and she opened her birthday present from Pa and Nonna. Since she was eight years old, and planning to be baptized soon, we gave her a set of scriptures. Afterwards, Katie read to us from her scriptures, we had prayer together and went to bed.

On the 14th we drove over to Fall Creek Falls intending to rent bicycles and ride a while. This was actually a ploy to see if we could still ride. We have been contemplating purchasing bicycles and, in my case, working off some fat that way. But, the bike shop was closed. Not to be outdone, we decided to drive over to the lake and hike the perimeter trail they have for bikers and walkers. After walking as far as the Inn, Debby decided that “we” should walk back by the road so we could see new territory. Coming up from under the hill at the inn worked the old leg muscles pretty well. But then it was mostly level walking as we made our way around the loop. We probably saw 100 deer on or near the road as we walked back. It was a 3.5 mile walk.

The Ellsworth’s arrived on the 30th. We met them at Rocky River, along with Lori & kids, Keeley & kids, and Blake. Upon arrival, Ceseley immediately began exploring. She’s a difficult little sprite to get a picture of, because she is constantly moving! We had a great meal together and a nice visit around the fire pit. The Ellsworths spent the night there. Dan’s work is in Washington, D.C. so he leaves home on Sunday night and doesn’t return until late Friday night. He left the following Sunday to return to work, but Julee and Ceseley stayed with us.

Debby’s Addendum

We met Matthew’s family at Rocky River on October 9th. There was a rainy/stormy forecast, but it held off for longer than we had thought it would. They came prepared to camp. While Matthew & Jenny finished setting up the tent, Joe & I took the kids on a looooong walk. We hadn’t been back too long before the sky became very threatening. We checked the TV and sure enough, there were storm warnings and tornado watches and warnings all around us. Not long after that, a powerful storm moved through that dumped a lot of rain. It also felled a tree across the gulley from us that went across the river. I thought surely they’d end up sleeping in the house, but since they’re tougher and more determined than me, they slept in their tent instead. From all reports, they had a good time.

Blake & Brett were here for their fall breaks. It was good to have them around. Since I’m just sure that they come close to shriveling up and dying from a lack of my cooking, I try to fill them up pretty good before they leave. So far, it seems to be enough to keep them alive.

I always have really enjoyed Halloween. I love seeing all the costumes and have enjoyed going to Trunk or Treat the last few years. We don’t get many spooks back here on this dead end road, so it’s a nice way to see a lot of folks. I made lots and lots of cake balls for my seminary class and to hand out at the T or T activity. I decorated them like ghosts, purple-people-eaters, and jack-o-lanterns. Anyways, it was fun to see everyone, especially a few of the grands including Ceseley who refused – adamantly – to wear her very cute bee costume. I don’t think Julee will ever let her forget it.

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