While in the pursuit of happiness,
one should stop -
and just be happy . . .

Monday, December 3, 2012

Is it really December?

I picked up Baylor & Kyndal from school today and since it was so nice (in the 70's), we went to Riverfront Park.  I had some homemade bread that was a flop and a package of hot dog buns that had been in the freezer way too long.  Stale bread, beautiful day, two wonderful grands equals duck/geese feeding, right? 

Yes siree, those geese were one happy gaggle (the ducks stayed on the other side of the river - smarter creatures, perhaps?).  They didn't quit until all the bread was gone.  And that was about the same time that I noticed a sign stating the danger of feeding bread to ducks/geese.  Really?  I was relieved when the next edition of the Southern Standard arrived and the front page story/pic was not of dozens of geese found dead at the park.  But perhaps the warning sign could also have something to do with that new duck/geese food dispenser that is now available by the river.  For a nominal fee.  Anyway, we had fun.  No geese died. And we stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home for good measure.

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