While in the pursuit of happiness,
one should stop -
and just be happy . . .

Friday, September 12, 2014


On September 12th,
Joe's left hand had an unfortunate encounter
with his table saw, which resulted in:
A mad dash to the ER at Riverpark
Camp Nonnanee Part II - cancelled
A subsequent trip to the ER at Vanderbilt, via ambulance for Joe
A looooooooong wait in an ER examining room
The unbelievable news that they were releasing him to go home
Another very long wait at Vanderbilt for surgery (Dr. Lee) four days later
Being informed that he was being released and sent home to recover
Several trips back to Vanderbilt to see Dr. Lee
Therapy with Darren Payne at Riverpark
A renewed commitment to be MORE careful

(These pics, by the way, were taken at a post-op visit with Dr. Lee.
Before that, the finger and thumb were much too gruesome for me to photograph).

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