While in the pursuit of happiness,
one should stop -
and just be happy . . .

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Church with Nonna

Julee had to leave to take Dan to the airport at the same time we left for church.  Ceseley & Natalie went with us.  Julee took these last minute photos of us.  Natalie was a lot happier at church than she was for this photo op.  Thank goodness :)  It was so fun to have them with us.  There were several comments about Julee, Jr. (aka Ceseley).

I left after Sacrament Meeting with the girls.  As I was buckling Ceseley into her seat, I commented that her strap was really twisted.  And then, with all the confidence of a motivational speaker, she encouragingly said, "Don't give up, Nonna!"

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